
Survivor: Redemption island Season 22, Episode 14 - Finale

Survivor: Redemption island Season 22, Episode 14 - Finale

Title: Season Finale

Survivor is an American reality show. This show based on Expedition Robinson, It's a Swedish television series. Charlie Parsons originally created in 1992. This reality show is based on stranding a group of strangers in a extrinsic location, where they must find their resources such as water, food, fire, and shelter for themselves. After that all the contestants compete in physical challenges to earn rewards and benefits of immunity from being voted off by the tribe in continuous eliminations. The last competitor remains at the end of the competition wins the title of Sole Survivor and 1 million dollar prize. Jeff Probst is the host of the show, He is a former game show emcee and news reporter and produced by Mark Burnett.

In the Tribal Council the two of the sexiest competitor Natalie and Ashley celebrates because they are the remaining women survivor in the game. Back on the Redemption Island, one of the survivor reacts of the arrival of Andrea. Andrea felt awful in the next day of the challenge because she felt betrayed by her tribe. Later in the campground, Phillip hash over with the women leaving Rob to deal with devastation control and on the other hand Grant and Rob discuss the strategy plan. During that night, Ashley had the idea and she suggest the next vote should be for the top competitor or the top player, but Rob's coalition with Grant seems to be very vehement. When Ashley won the challenge, Rob's plan may necessary change because before the Immunity Challenge he assures that Natalie will be safe from voting.

Who's the next sole survivor? One of the beautiful survivor came home where she grew up in. Ashley Underwood, She had overnight with her parents with his boyfriend Chris Markwood. She is the one of the finalist for winning the One million prize and a title for a sole survivor in the season finale of Survivor: Redemption Island. She is the one I bet among the others contestants. So don't dare to miss watching the season Finale of Survivor.