The Big Bang Theory Season 4 Episode 24: The Roommate Transmogrification
Title: The Roommate Transmogrification
The Big Bang Theory is a comedy television series regarding a number of young scientists who almost know all about the globe with the application of physics, and one girl, whom provides the idea that a planet has uniquely rotate. Leonard Hofstadter is really a sensible guy who try and try and give his best to comprehensive to his research and turn into famous for his performances. Even though as the most of socially interacting guy in their class.
Hello to everyone! Here comes another relaxing Thursday night and this time it will be another interesting episode tonight. Tonight this episode will be the highlight of the entire season because it's season finale of the Television series. When you say a SEASON FINALE, What it means to you? It's kind of interesting, right? So better relax and enjoy watching this online tonight. The episode is entitled The Roommate Transmogrification.
The Big Bang Theory season 4: The episode Roommate Transmogrification is going to be air on Thursday, May 19, 2011, 08:00 Pm from CBS tv set gallery. In the last episode of the Big Bang Theory, The Engagement Reaction: Leslie Howard finally have a guts of braveness to share with his new mother that he wished to be married to Bernadette. But the good news overwhelmed and shock her mother and ended up being hospitalized. Parents should be very considerate about their children not all the days they will be living together. The time comes that they will surely part from each other when their children have to undergo marriage.
As of now the tv series is buffering. In the season four finale Roommate Transmogrification. In this episode, Bernadette achieve her PhD and all of the guys teasing Howard beacuse he's the only one left without a doctorate. Meanwhile, Priya and Leonard have a Star Trek sex fantasy, hearing this by Raj and she wants to live with Sheldon.