Smallville Season 10 Episode 21 - Finale
Title: Finale
A decade of adventure of the world’s greatest and sexiest superhero is now take it end finale as the last of them all this coming Friday night, May 13, 2011. This last episode is the end of the entire series, yet it might change if another season will be added, who know’s? Well, we had seen Clark Kent grown up through this years and specifically, it had been ten years, so I know that this Television series had been a part of our habit. Especially to those who regularly watch this TV series. Definitely, We love watching and following this show is that because there are so many fans of Oliver Queen and Chloe Sullivan. And I just can’t keep myself from falling everytime I am watching both of them on a romantic scene as well as on their fighting scenes. But I know that everyone is really focusing of the life of Clark Kent, of course, he is the main character of the story. Every episode of the series has been a great watching moment until we comes across to the Smallville Season 10 Finale. Probably, this is the extent of the entire series and everyone will surely miss this, especially their favorite characters, therefore you already know that I will surely miss Chloe and Oliver.
As a sort of review the Smallville Season 10 Episode 20: Finale has been started out when the penultimate episode air last week. It has been the portal into the denouement of the TV series, on which everyone gives lots of different reaction. Yeah, it is kinda a feeling of sadness that Lois can’t marry Clark because she thinks that she might be the weakness of Clark Kent, like what happens on the superhero in the other story, comic book or film and movies, I think all the weakness a Man is a Woman. But most of the fans love how they make the story goes on, it is not worse like the other episode but it made some decoration, yet We like it. But overall it is impressive, and also I was happy, that Oliver come back, yet I’m just trailing about the new group of enemies that are arriving. It may suggest that another season is coming or another dacade, We wish all of those villains will gonna be overwhelm the powers of our superheroes in the finale as a part of the final battle of Clark Kent.