The Big Bang Theory Season 4 Episode 23 - The Engagement Reaction
Title: The Engagement Reaction
The Big Bang Theory is an American sitcom from Chuck Lorre Productions. It is distributed by Warner Bros. Television series and airs in the USA on the CBS network. It premiered in September 2007 and it was renewed for a second season in February 2008 and got a 2 season pick-up in March 2009, taking it through to its fourth season in 2010/11.
In the last episode of The Big Bang Theory Season 4 Episode 22 The Wildebeest Implementation: Raj has a phobia to speak with a woman and finally wanted to try to cure the disease of fear when talking to a woman.The Big Bang Theory Season 4 Episode 23 The Engagement Reaction will be air at CBS on Thursday May 12, 2011, 08:00 PM.
In this Episode The Big Bang Theory Season 4 Episode 23 The Engagement Reaction Synopsis: Howard's mother is brought the hospital after he tells her to get married to Bernadette.
Parents should be very considerate about their children not all the days they will be living together. The time comes that they will surely part from each other like when their children have to undergo marriage. Sometimes parents are so strict that they don’t want their children to have girlfriends or boyfriends. This is just normal part of a teenage life that we search for suitable partners in life. Parents play a big influence in a child that’s why they always have the right to say no or say yes. Because of this influence parents are oppressive. The power that they have to their children became a chain that bind's their children to their will. Parents should always try to weigh things and accept the reality.